Use Cases#

This is a list of examples of Fugue use cases. Any questions are welcome in the Slack channel.

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Testing Big Data Applications#

Unit testing is a significant pain point in big data applications. In this section, we examine what makes it so hard to test and how Fugue simplifies it. Through simplified testing, Fugue users often see speedup in the development of big data projects (in addition to lower compute costs).

Data Validation#

We’ll get started with using Fugue and Pandera for data validation. Using Fugue, we can bring Pandas-based libraries into Spark, meaning we don’t have to re-implement the same logic twice. Moreover, using Fugue allows us to achieve validation by partition, an operation missing in the current data validation frameworks.

Distributed Model Sweeping#

Even if a dataset fits in one core, distributed compute can be used for parallelized model training. We can train multiple models simultaneously. In addition, Fugue provides an easy interface to train multiple models for each logical grouping of data.

Natural Language Processing#

Fugue helps parallelize Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially during pre-processing steps which tend to be executed for each row of data. This page shows an example of how to use the transform() function to do some pre-processing.

Image Classification#

When dealing with images, it’s more common to train the model with one GPU, but then use multiple GPUs for inference because inference is the more expensive part. Multiple GPUs can also be used for pre-processing on top of Spark or Dask, but pre-processing tends to be during training as batches are fed to the model. For the training specifically, a tool like Horovod could help. Fugue is more helpful on the inference side.

Using Fugue with Providers#

This section is how to connect without using the native Fugue integrations. Fugue has integrations with some cloud providers in the fugue-cloudprovider repo. For more native integrations to spin-up ephemeral clusters, check Fugue with Cloud Providers

Databricks Connect#

Fugue can be used with the databricks-connect library to run code on a Databricks cluster by using the SparkSession. Here we’ll go over some details of how to set it up.