COVID19 Data Exploration with FugueSQL#

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This example will demonstrate how to use FugueSQL for exploratory data analysis. Normally, SparkSQL users find that SQL code is a second class citizen surrounded predominantly by Python code. FugueSQL can support a predominantly SQL code base that invokes Python code because Fugue SQL is treated as a first-class API in Fugue.

As we iterate through this problem, focus on how the problem is defined in a scale agnostic way. We’ll show how to prototype on smaller pieces of data, before running on the larger dataset.

This dataset is from Kaggle Novel Corona Virus 2019 Dataset.

Setup for Notebooks#

Fugue has a setup() function for notebooks that registers the %%fsql cell magic. This lets us use FugueSQL cells in Jupyter notebooks with syntax highlighting (does not work for JupyterLab notebooks yet). The last part of the notebook will show how to move these cells into production using the fsql function.

The native Fugue PRINT can’t print wide tables nicely in this environment, so we’ll write an extension pprint to render the dataframes as pandas dataframes. Understanding the pprint function is not so important.

from fugue_notebook import setup
from fugue import NativeExecutionEngine, DataFrames, PandasDataFrame, Schema, Transformer, IterableDataFrame, ArrayDataFrame

def pprint(dfs:DataFrames, rows = 5, title=None):
    if title is not None:
    for df in dfs.values():
        pdf= PandasDataFrame(df.head(rows), df.schema)


from fugue import NativeExecutionEngine, DataFrames, PandasDataFrame, Schema, Transformer, IterableDataFrame, ArrayDataFrame
from fugue_sql import FugueSQLWorkflow
from fugue_spark import SparkExecutionEngine
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from typing import Iterable, Dict, Any
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd

Initial Exploration#

First we’ll explore how to use the %%fsql cell magic. We’ll load two files and use pprint on them. The following will run on pandas-based NativeExecutionEngine because no engine is specified. There are a couple of FugueSQL features to note. First is how the %%fsql cell magic turned the cell into a FugueSQL cell. Second, FugueSQL allows variable assignments of the confirmed and death DataFrames. These are loaded in a pandas DataFrames because of the NativeExecutionEngine. Lastly, we used our pprint extension which was written in Python alongside out SQL code.

confirmed = LOAD CSV "../../data/confirmed.csv"(header=true)
OUTPUT USING pprint(rows=5)
death = LOAD CSV "../../data/death.csv"(header=true)
OUTPUT USING pprint(rows=5)
UID iso2 iso3 code3 FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Lat Long_ ... _6_3_20 _6_4_20 _6_5_20 _6_6_20 _6_7_20 _6_8_20 _6_9_20 _6_10_20 _6_11_20 _6_12_20
0 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 ... 239 241 248 259 265 272 282 295 312 323
1 84001003 US USA 840 1003.0 Baldwin Alabama US 30.72774991 -87.72207058 ... 292 293 296 304 313 320 325 331 343 353
2 84001005 US USA 840 1005.0 Barbour Alabama US 31.868263 -85.3871286 ... 177 177 183 190 193 197 199 208 214 221
3 84001007 US USA 840 1007.0 Bibb Alabama US 32.99642064 -87.12511459999999 ... 76 76 76 77 77 79 85 89 93 97
4 84001009 US USA 840 1009.0 Blount Alabama US 33.98210918 -86.56790593 ... 63 63 64 70 72 73 75 79 87 95

5 rows × 154 columns

UID iso2 iso3 code3 FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Lat Long_ ... _6_3_20 _6_4_20 _6_5_20 _6_6_20 _6_7_20 _6_8_20 _6_9_20 _6_10_20 _6_11_20 _6_12_20
0 16 AS ASM 16 60.0 None American Samoa US -14.270999999999999 -170.132 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 316 GU GUM 316 66.0 None Guam US 13.4443 144.7937 ... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
2 580 MP MNP 580 69.0 None Northern Mariana Islands US 15.0979 145.6739 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 630 PR PRI 630 72.0 None Puerto Rico US 18.2208 -66.5901 ... 140 140 141 142 142 142 142 143 144 146
4 850 VI VIR 850 78.0 None Virgin Islands US 18.3358 -64.8963 ... 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5 rows × 155 columns

Both tables are very wide since each date is a column. It’s not straightforward to do data analysis in this format, so will pivot the table so that each date becomes a row. Spark and pandas have their own ways to pivot tables and neither work for the other engine. Thus, we will write a scale agnostic Transformer that will reshape the DataFrame for us. Fugue allows transformers to be defined with the @transformer decorator, but in this case, there are two compelling reasons to use the class interface:

  • The output schema is dependent on parameters and we need to explicitly define schema for Spark.

  • For each partition, the data will be reshaped according to the column names. This requires preprocessing that would repeat on each partition of data. We can perform this operation once by doing it in the on_init method, which will make it only run once for all the partitions.

class Pivot(Transformer):
    def get_output_schema(self, df):
        fields = [f for f in df.schema.fields if not"_")]
        col = self.params.get_or_throw("col",str)
        return Schema(fields)+f"date:datetime,{col}:int"
    def on_init(self, df):
        self.value_col = self.params.get_or_throw("col",str)
        self.cols = [f for f in df.schema.names if not f.startswith("_")]
        self.date_cols = {f:datetime.strptime(f[1:], '%m_%d_%y') 
                          for f in df.schema.names if f.startswith("_")}
    def transform(self, df):
        def get_rows():
            for row in df.as_dict_iterable():
                res = [row[k] for k in self.cols]
                for k,v in self.date_cols.items():
                    yield res + [v,int(row[k])]
        return IterableDataFrame(get_rows(), self.output_schema)

In the above Pivot class, we consume the DataFrame and then use as_dict_iterable to process each row and turn it into long format. The output uses IterableDataFrame to minimize memory usage. If the DataFrame is large, not using an iterable requires the full DataFrame to unnecessarily be in memory.

Now, we can test this transformer locally on the default NativeExecutionEngine. Before transforming, we use a SELECT LIMIT to make the input data really small, so it can run quickly on native python. This is a very important to have this validation step

  • The limited data lets us focus on testing correctness, not scalability

  • Running on NativeExecutionEngine makes it extremely fast to find errors. More importantly, errors will be more explicit than running on a cluster where the stack trace is more complicated.

  • Consider using mock data as the input as well. Fugue SQL is very unit-testable and this can be added to unit tests (with mock input data)

LOAD CSV "../../data/confirmed.csv"(header=true)
confirmed = TRANSFORM USING Pivot(col="confirmed")
LOAD CSV "../../data/death.csv"(header=true)
death = TRANSFORM USING Pivot(col="death")
UID iso2 iso3 code3 FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Lat Long_ Combined_Key date confirmed
0 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 2020-01-22 0
1 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 2020-01-23 0
2 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 2020-01-24 0
3 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 2020-01-25 0
4 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 2020-01-26 0
UID iso2 iso3 code3 FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Lat Long_ Combined_Key Population date death
0 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 55869 2020-01-22 0
1 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 55869 2020-01-23 0
2 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 55869 2020-01-24 0
3 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 55869 2020-01-25 0
4 84001001 US USA 840 1001.0 Autauga Alabama US 32.53952745 -86.64408227 Autauga, Alabama, US 55869 2020-01-26 0

Bring it to Spark!#

Now that we know the Pivot Transformer works fine, we can use SparkExecutionEngine to run it on Spark. To do this, we simply pass spark to %%fsql. In this section we will:

  1. Load the confirmed.csv and death.csv

  2. Pivot both of them after loading

  3. Join them to use in later steps.

  4. Persist this DataFrame so it doesn’t get recomputed. pprint and SAVE will cause it to be computed twice.

  5. Save it to persistent storage for quicker loading.

Note that instead of adding persist explicitly, Fugue has an option to auto-persist

%%fsql spark
LOAD CSV "../../data/confirmed.csv"(header=true)
confirmed = TRANSFORM USING Pivot(col="confirmed")
LOAD CSV "../../data/death.csv"(header=true)
death = TRANSFORM USING Pivot(col="death")

    confirmed.Combined_Key AS key,
    confirmed.Admin2 AS city,
    confirmed.Province_State AS state,
    Population AS population,,
FROM confirmed INNER JOIN death
    ON confirmed.Combined_Key = death.Combined_Key AND =
SAVE OVERWRITE "/tmp/covid19.parquet"
key city state population date confirmed death
0 Abbeville, South Carolina, US Abbeville South Carolina 24527 2020-03-15 0 0
1 Adair, Kentucky, US Adair Kentucky 19202 2020-02-18 0 0
2 Adair, Kentucky, US Adair Kentucky 19202 2020-06-04 97 19
3 Adair, Missouri, US Adair Missouri 25343 2020-01-24 0 0
4 Adair, Missouri, US Adair Missouri 25343 2020-04-20 12 0

The above DataFrame is persisted as a parquet because parquet files are compressed, often meaning 20% the size of equivalent csv files. This makes it significantly faster to load them than csv files. Spark also is optimized to read in parquet files so that data can intelligently be read in. We load the parquet back and do further data analysis using SQL, and output using pprint.

%%fsql spark
data = LOAD "/tmp/covid19.parquet"

SELECT DISTINCT city, state, population FROM data

SELECT state, date, SUM(confirmed) AS confirmed, SUM(death) AS death
    FROM data GROUP BY state, date
city state population
0 Dickens Texas 2211
1 Hudspeth Texas 4886
2 Jefferson Kentucky 766757
3 Mason Illinois 13359
4 Platte Nebraska 33470
state date confirmed death
0 Vermont 2020-04-10 679 24
1 Kansas 2020-03-13 6 1
2 Pennsylvania 2020-03-28 2845 34
3 Colorado 2020-04-14 7950 327
4 South Dakota 2020-02-28 0 0

Visualize it#

It will be useful to see the confirmed vs death chart for different partitions. Partitions can be defined by city or state or something else. We want the exploration code to be flexible. For a given grouping, we want to plot the deaths and confirmed counts over time.

For a given partition, we will use a transformer to reshape the data, save a plot, and then return the file path to be loaded in later.

In the code below, plotter is a transformer that creates a seaborn plot and saves it. The location of that plot is then written in the resulting DataFrame under a column called path.

The render_all is a function that loads all of the images that were saved and displays them in this notebook.

import os
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import SVG
import pickle

# schema: key:str, path: str
def plotter(df:pd.DataFrame, key_col:str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Transformer function to plot. Seaborn prefers long
    format for the data so that will be done inside here.
    This is agnostic to whatever partition is coming in.

    # the input DataFrame is already partitioned
    title = df[key_col].iloc[0]
    file_path = f"{title}-plot.svg"\
                .replace(" ", "-")\
                .replace(",", "-")

    # reshaping to long format for seaborn
    _df = pd.melt(df[["date","confirmed","death"]], ['date'])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
    sns.lineplot(x='date', y='value', hue='variable', data=_df)
    plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=10)
    plt.title(f"Count Over Time for {title}", fontsize=10)
    plt.savefig(file_path, format="svg")
    return pd.DataFrame({'key': [title], 'path': [file_path]})

def render_all(df:Iterable[Dict[str,Any]]) -> None:
    for row in df:

Now let’s first test it using the NativeExecutionEngine on a small data set like before.

data = LOAD "/tmp/covid19.parquet"
SELECT * WHERE key = 'Adams, Mississippi, US'
TRANSFORM PREPARTITION BY key PRESORT  date USING plotter(key_col="key")
OUTPUT USING render_all

Noticed the partitioning statement that was used. PREPARTITION BY takes in a column to be used in creating the partitions. The partition can be on the city or state. These partitioned DataFrames are then independently passed to the plotter function, and the output is then collected after. Partitioning by state will run plotter once for each state.

The next thing to note is the PRESORT. Seaborn automatically sorts the x-value of the plot, but to be sure that the values are in chronological order, we can apply a PRESORT as the data is being partitioned so that it is already ordered by the time the transformer is applied.

Visualize with Spark#

We only want to draw charts for the top 3 states with highest death numbers. In the following code, we will first find the top 3 states, then use SEMI JOIN to filter the dataset, and use the transformer to plot.

%%fsql spark
data = LOAD "/tmp/covid19.parquet"

top3 = 
    SELECT state, SUM(death) AS death 
    FROM data GROUP BY state 

data = 
    SELECT * 
    FROM data 
    LEFT SEMI JOIN top3 
    ON data.state = top3.state
    WHERE date > '2020-04-01'

agg = SELECT state, date, SUM(confirmed) AS confirmed, SUM(death) AS death
      FROM data
      GROUP BY state, date

-- this will use the last dataframe by default
TRANSFORM PREPARTITION BY state USING plotter(key_col="state")
OUTPUT USING render_all


In order to bring this to production, all we have to do is pass the SQL code into the fsql function. To run this on Spark, pass the SparkExecutionEngine to the run method.

from fugue_sql import fsql
query = """
data = LOAD "/tmp/covid19.parquet"

top3 = 
    SELECT state, SUM(death) AS death 
    FROM data GROUP BY state 

state death
0 New York 1690428
1 New Jersey 558989
2 Massachusetts 301008
schema: state:str,death:long


In this example we have shown how FugueSQL can be used as the primary language for data analysis workflows. We were able to write our code by focusing on the partition level. When we were ready to apply it to a bigger dataset, all we had to do was specify the SparkExecutionEngine. Fugue allows users to specify the execution engine by changing one line of code.

FugueSQL is compatible with ANSI SQL, but it has enhancements that make it capable of describing computation workflows. Here we showed the variable assignment and additional keywords like PERSIST, PREPARTITION and TRANSFORM that allow FugueSQL to utilize Python functions and the Spark engine.